Saints row 3 apoca fist
Saints row 3 apoca fist

After being canonized, he is welcomed into the gang. The next morning, Playa meets the Saints at their hangout in Saint's Row Church. Julius offers a chance to work for the Saints, and Playa accepts, before Julius and Troy leave. The Third Street Saints are a new, smaller gang, which is why they both wear purple clothes.

saints row 3 apoca fist saints row 3 apoca fist

By Troy's side is the Saints' leader, Julius Little, who refers to the protagonist as "Playa". The Vice King prepares to shot, and the protagonist is narrowly close to being killed when he is saved by a lieutenant of the Saints named Troy Bradshaw. After witnessing the murders of three Rollerz, three Carnales, and two Vice Kings, a third Vice King approaches and points his gun at the protagonist, intending to leave no witnesses. In early 2006, the protagonist gets caught up in a turf war between Stilwater's three rival gangs (The Westside Rollerz wear blue, Los Carnales wear red, and The Vice Kings wear yellow) in Saint's Row, Stilwater. If the player's chosen path is with a Caucasian male, his accent will only change to Cockney in Saints Row 2, meaning that his coma must've changed his accent due to neurological damage.

saints row 3 apoca fist

These unique voices may give different backgrounds.įor example, the Southern American female voice hints that she was born (and possibly raised) on a farm before coming to Stilwater. The protagonist was born and raised in Stilwater, contradicting the different voice options from Saints Row 2 onwards, which includes Cockney, Russian, and Southern American accents.

Saints row 3 apoca fist